The mission and purpose of the Treye Jenkins Smith Art Memorial Fund is to provide young people, in particular Black youth, with art and creativity as an alternative outlet for self-expression. My son, Treye Jenkins Smith who passed away Nov 17th, 2021, while he lived a short life, he showed a strong interest in the arts beginning as a toddler. As a legacy, this art fund rewards those who have shown an avid interest in art and creativity as an important and integral part of their life.
For Treye, art was a part of his life during both good times and challenging times. He used art to reflect those moments in his life and to capture popular culture. While art is often a solo endeavor, invite those around you and the world in to see your creative side because if you love it, someone else may love it too! Art is to be shared and enjoyed with the world! It is mutually impactful. Art is a tool that can help navigate through life’s many challenges and traumas, becoming a healing tool to help others by simply enjoying your work. So, as you accept this small, but important token always remember art helps us and the world we live in. Just think where the world would be without art and artists in the broad spectrum of things.
When Treye was about 4 years old, his mother began to notice his artistic drawing ability, and she immediately began encouraging and developing this talent by buying him various types of art supplies, and visual stimulation.
Treye was encouraged to attend local art show exhibits and artist openings where he was introduced to local artists. He even worked with a host of local artists in Cincinnati who worked on murals at a local elementary school. He attended classes taught by Robert O'Neal, and hung out in the art loft of Tarrance Corbin.
Treye won numerous art contests beginning at the age of six years old. He was also enrolled in art programs at Miami University and the Art Academy of Cincinnati where he worked with professional artists and continued to demonstrate a gift for art. Treye continued practicing his gift up until his untimely death.
Treye and his children
No longer in the flesh, but nurturing the spirit my son left behind. Proud to announce that Andralyn Brown, a female black student graduating from my and my son's alma mater Princeton High school in Cincy Ohio will be receiving the Treye Jenkins Smith $500.00 art scholarship.
Andralyn's was selected because her art work when I saw it at Princeton's art show last month after momentarily looking at it struck how uncannily it resembled Treye's. After, I showed Andralyn's art teacher Treye's art website I asked her was she aware of how close their work was when she submitted her name, she said no. When she looked she was totally stunned and got goosebumps.
I have put both their works together.
Zoom in, do you see the resemblance?'s in the symbolism.
Andralyn's art work on the top and Treye's on the bottom
May 11th, 2022 was the night! Treye Jenkins Smith Art Scholarship and two of his art pieces were given out at his & myalma mater, Princeton High School! Two gift cards one for the art director and one for Treye's best friends mom...his 2nd mother who presented with me! My coffee batista said was like your son guided you to the art student whose work is similar to his. She has a woman with a gun pic and the eye as symbolic in her work just like Treye
Yesterday (May 11th) was the most rewarding, tearful and impactful day honoring my son's memory! It was just so beautiful the student recipient upon hearing the story of why she was selected actually said, Wow' out loud when I showed her his pictures which she is holding along with the check. Her work and Treye's are uncanningly alike especially the girl with gun and the eye symbol in his and her work. Treye thank you for guiding us to your 1st art scholarship awarded in your name! Won't he do it!
The art director in the picture (Princeton High School) and, Treyes 2nd mom (not in picture) was with me for support. They both want to help me fundraise for next year. Our kids need financial support in the academics and the arts for higher education. I gave the art director and Treye's 2nd mom a gift card from you know who...Macy's of course!
Our aim is to share his work while supporting local artists in his name.
In the Summer of 2022, we gave our first award of $500.00 scholarship in his name to Andralyn Brown. In 2023, we decided to go in a different direction, giving art supplies in Treye's name. The children as shown below were very excited and appreciative.
I'm leaving this digital legacy for his children and their children.
- Simply Me, Karen Marie
- Always believe in yourself, no matter your age! After a twenty-year career as a college professor, I reinvented myself becoming a brand photographer supporting women to truly represent who they are and who they desire to be without apology! My purpose with this blog is to empower women with things I love; fashion, beauty, social and healthy food tips, and my passion for sewing and fashion design. Glow with me!
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