On Thursday, September 5th, I directed a Tweens Girls Only: Back-to-school party photo shoot. The premise for the photo shoot was based on a narrative, I created of four girls who meet for the first time and become friends. They meet on the stairs of the school, and what brings them together is fashion, food, school and good ole fashion fun! The narrative was written as fiction, but it quickly became true as the girls settled into the idea and each other. This was our break the ice shot!
There was lots of planning in preparation for this shoot. From basic theme colors that were picked to coordinate with almost everything included in the shoot to finding a location at the right time of the day for shooting, to the types of clothing, shoes, fashion bags, and other accessories the girls would wear, even down to the desert they ate! This is in addition to selecting locations for the right camera settings. I consider this shoot as a creative narrative, commercial shoot with it's planning just as important as the shoot itself.
I wanted a shoot that represented the spirit and brand of Our Spirit and Soul of capturing beauty wherever it manifest itself.
And for this shoot beauty lies in the simple beauty and spirit of our kids!
To beauty found in beautiful skin and hair!
Beauty found in the innocent nature of our children who desire to be themselves!
And beauty found in diversity!
Our Spirit and Soul represents the beauty found all around us!
Kids love to play act! So I said pretend...and look how they performed! LOL!! Scene One! BRAVO GIRLS!!

As you will see, the commercial products compliment the color scheme and theme of the shoot!
To start off: what tween girl doesn't like to wear fashionable tennis shoes!
And everyone loves a little sweets while they study! A few pre-shoot pictures featuring fashionable school supplies and Sweet Petit.
Thank you, to Taren Kinnebrew for helping us out with her desserts, but also for desserts that complimented the colors of our shoot! I informed her of our colors and she obliged!
My girls did a great job modeling with their hands! And again notice the color coordination with their outfits. When planning a shoot, you should keep in mind your brand and what you want to project to your consumers about your company. Our Spirit and Soul has a passion for vibrant color, and a modern look! This is the image, I wanted to project when planning the photo shoot. As my mother use to say..."just be yourself." A few words of wisdom go a long way!
Our Spirit and Soul is also known for fashion! I love fashion and today's kids fashion is so cute! In the planning stage, I suggested various types of clothing the girls should wear along with colors and accessories. I matched their outfits on a vision board I created similar to Pinterest and I coordinated what each girl would wear, and when the would wear it to get certain visual effect in pictures. Again, doing a photo shoot, especially a commercial or creative narrative shoot, involves much more than clicking pictures. Even the clicking involves creating a list of possible shots, along with studying the available lighting in your location during the times of the shoot. There are many steps involved. But all is necessary if you want a well executed commercial or creative narrative shoot!
This young lady was a model of mine about four or five years ago. If you remember a young lady with a pink umbrella in my past blog posts or little girl sitting next to a basket. She was a natural at four years old and she is! Here she is showing a humorous side to the shoot. I'm so glad to have this young lady return. How do you like that bracelet she is wearing? Yes...my little touch! Let you in on a secret...when I was a teenager I wanted to be a fashion designer. LOL!!
Beautiful bags by My Uneek Bags by Uneek! I met Uneek about a month ago at a local art festival in Cincinnati, we were both art and craft vendors and our tents were next to each other. I loved her bags so much that I purchased one. Her bags are beautifully crafted and very vibrant in color and patterns. Uneek was so generous to create these two bags specifically for the tween's photoshoot.The kids loved the bags!
Oops...there are many things that I have learned from directing my first tween photoshoot...Details...details...details. I know why many photographers have assistants if they can because photographers can't see everything. Nonetheless, I love the view of the bag, the bracelet, the jeans and the placement of the hand. My girls rocked! You can see Uneek's bags on facebook. I will put her information and Sweet Petits below.
Girls love shoes and they love pink! But look there are butterflies on the bag and on the little lady's tennis shoes! How fashionable! Our Spirit and Soul can capture and highlight important features on your products. Contact us!
Of course, fashion shoes, chalk and hopscotch go together!
Let's get in our play before going into school!
importantly look at how confident she is! She looks like she is ready for a commercial ad!!
Now this blue jean and skirt outfit is adorable! Fun bright skirt patterns and turquoise shoes laces! I had the parents bring 3-4 outfits in the color, style and type for the shoot. So skirts, jeans, jean jackets, shorts, and accessories! Our color palette, reflected today's fall colors. I checked with Pantene colors...yes I did! Lime green, turquoise, and pink are still high on the kid's list. And her outfit looks beautiful! And so cute!
Oftentimes, simple is best and timeless! And this cute outfit, with pink ribbing on the skirt, a light pink top along with those cute pink and white bordered shoes top off this fashionable school outfit! And her pose on hopscotch helps accents it. And her smiles says it all!
Looking up and looking down! My girls love playing and having fun before going to school!
They are such naturals!
Oh yea..we are talking about back-to-school so we've got some cute school supplies along with some eye glasses to top off their fashion sense! Look how those girls work those glasses.
Perfect for a tween girls fashion ad for your small business.
But a little more posing and teaching...It's important for kids, especially girls to know to bloom where they are! See the title of the book! Be you! Discover your passion, study hard and pursue it!
Bloom Where You are Planted! I'd be remiss, if I didn't mention how the colors all coordinate, contrast and go well together. And how cute is her outfit! It's chic, modern tween girl!
Yes, we on our way to school! And they've got to write some notes on today's play time!
They can store their composition notebooks in My Uneek Bags!
One more fashion pose and look at my girls in action blooming where they are planted! Girls this age really know a lot about themselves. They know what they are interested in, what they are good at. They are savvy young people who given the opportunity can bloom with confidence. These girls demonstrate how natural this play was to them.
Alright ladies, it's time to gather your things and go to school!
They came up with this final shot! They said...we have a pose Ms Karen. Ok...and here they are:
The spirit of Our Spirit and Soul, photography! Our Spirit and Soul doesn't underestimate the importance of play not only in kid's life, but in the lives of adults. Play extends the life of our spirit!
Visit Our Spirit and Soul commercial/editing
Like me on facebook at https://www.facebook.com/sweetpetitetk?ref=br_tf
Visit Sweet Petit facebook at https://www.facebook.com/sweetpetitetk website at http://www.sweetpetitdesserts.com/ and their bakery at 1426 Race Street Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
And My Uneek Bags facebook at https://www.facebook.com/MyUneekBags
Until the next time!
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