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Karen M Jenkins, Spirit & Soul Photography |
Happy New Year, and welcome to a world of new and exciting chances! I've been off my business routine for the holidays! Some may say, that's when you should dig more into your grind. Personally, I do not like all those advertisements, and promotions sent during a season that reflects: family, friends, fun and self-reflection. Taking a break is a must for me, so that I can refresh, and refuel my creative and artistic energy to walk out my path of passion and purpose another year. Too much noise during this time causes distraction and missteps towards God's purpose in my life and, how I can help others through my gift and eye for photography, fashion and style. No matter your title or status in life, we all have a purpose and if we don't stay focused, we can easily get off track by the noise of the world. Don't let others get you off your game with their glitter.
My vision for Spirit & Soul Photography in 2015 is to help tween girls, and women, especially business women to feel and look confident, beautiful and stylish through my gift and eye for photography, fashion and style! As I move into the new year, I confirm and reconfirm my purpose. Three years ago, in January of 2012, I started my blog with my first post, January 6th, where I wrote about how you can use art and writing to help inspire and encourage yourself. Three years later, my mission is to use my creative gifts to inspire and encourage others to dream and feel confident about themselves.
As we start this new year, it is important that you grab a hold of who you are, what your gifts are and, more important that you get off your action-intention mode and move in your purpose. Time waits for no one. This may sound like a simple thing, but so many people, especially women, let themselves grow dormant into boredom, apathy and sadness. When you're young, full of life and carefree, women are more apt to feel they can conquer the world. But as we age, we become overwhelmed and disappointed in ourselves more easily. If our children or grandchildren are grown, if we're not married or in a relationship we can easily feel useless and grow apathetic and give up. That apathy begins with letting our looks and how we dress go, and that affects our confidence. We look at media and see the predominate youth culture, and we see very few older people doing great things (although there are lots of examples of older women doing wonderful things). But, when we do see the positive things women their ages are doing, it's easy to say that's them, they're different or "they're blessed" as if having a blessing is only for those 'chosen; 'we all are chosen. Falling into that mind set is an easy option, an easy way out because being blessed means you still have to work. The more we give ourselves reasons (excuses) why we can't have a life of purpose and passion the more we believe that it is true. With that open sore, we soak in the negative voices in our head, the negative voices of our friends, family and media and we tell ourselves we're either too old, or we have no purpose in life. That is far from the truth, yes it takes work to live in your purpose; lots of work. And, yes it is filled with good days and with not so good days, but with a vision and action steps, each day, and each new year gives us a new opportunity to turn those negatives voices into positive ones that can move you toward new chances, and a new purpose in life.
Living in your purpose starts with positive words and actions. The more you feel good inside it shows outside with a glow of happiness, peace, and a look of confidence!
Let's start with simple action steps to help move you into your purpose in 2015.
1. Get rid of or lessen those negative voices by regularly reading positive inspiration, self-help books and even short quotes and affirmations each day. Start your morning off before getting out of bed by quieting yourself down and speaking life to your being. Stay in the bed at least 5-10 minutes with those positive vibes. Do this every day for at least two weeks. Soak in as many positive thoughts and readings during this time period. The more often you do this you will have an urge for more. Just like taking in negative thoughts... the more you take it in, the more you spew it out. What goes in come out!
2. Before you get out of bed, close your eyes again and see what visions come to mind. Stay still for another 5 minutes. Have pen and paper next to your bed, preferably a journal and begin writing down your visions and thoughts even if they seem ridiculous. Keep these visions to yourself because 'haters gonna hate' and they will talk you right out of your purpose. These visual messages can be hints to your purpose in 2015. Don't let any vision slip pass you, write them all down. As I'm writing this blog post, I have two journals that I've written in beginning from January 2014 to December 2014. I also have four small legal note pads with notes to myself from 2014 that I need for 2015. In addition, I have a pretty pink folder with my vision statement for 2015, and my marketing strategies and action steps for this year. That's right find a pretty journal and/or folder that appeals to you. That makes it more appealing to write in. I love cute things!
Why do I have these...because all those fabulous power people you see and admire their dreams, their aspirations, you admire their work ethic, you admire their work...whether on tv, social media or in your daily walk in life, they all have a way to capture their dreams and visions. Remember, Leonardo da Vinci...he captured his dreams and visions in journals. You can't possibly remember all the enchanting and intuitive information that comes your way that has meaning. Always be ready.
More steps coming: visualize a new you...how to look and feel your best in 2015. From this 58 year old woman, life is GOOD after 50, but it does take work! Declare who you are!
Get B.O.S.S: (Beautiful, Original, Stylish, and Self-Confident) images from style driven Spirit & Soul Photographer, Karen M Jenkins. In 2015, we have more photo packages: our 'no-frill' vibrant head shots & upper body shots, brand makeover images for businesses that want and need distinctive brand photos that tell their story in a fashionable and power style for their website, social media sites, etc. We also have glamor shots for mature ladies with a spotlight on fashion editorial images for the BOSS woman. For tween girls, we have chic, fashion editorial shoots for those girls who want the fun and excitement of fashion modeling. We also have BFF, birthday and mother daughter/grandmother shoots. For models and actors/actresses, Spirit & Soul Photography is a featured photographer on the popular talent agency, Katalyst located in Northern Kentucky. You will find us on their resource list.
We also have tween models and adult female models available to model for up and coming fashion designers, and photo submissions to on line magazine. We have it all in 2015! Visit our website at http://www.ourspiritandsoul.com/
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