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Simply Me, Karen Marie
Always believe in yourself, no matter your age! After a twenty-year career as a college professor, I reinvented myself becoming a brand photographer supporting women to truly represent who they are and who they desire to be without apology! My purpose with this blog is to empower women with things I love; fashion, beauty, social and healthy food tips, and my passion for sewing and fashion design. Glow with me!

Making ordinary photographs into your brand and style!

I've been fortunate to work in a career that I love and in a work environment that is conducive to my eclectic, artsy desires. Not many people can say that, so I don't take my blessings for granted. For over a decade, I have worked at a Kentucky university just across the bridge from my home city of Cincinnati. Since blogging is still new for me, I would like to share some of my favorite photos I've taken on campus and that have contributed to my designer card line, Our Spirit and Soul. At first glance, many could say what an unattractive campus we have with it's grey, and silver tone, concrete rows of geometrically-sized, indistinguishable buildings. Yes, at first glance it lacks color, so it seems.  And, it's quite easy to overhear a freshman or a visitor ask, "where is the Science building, where is the Art building, where is the Administration building?"and be baffled when you say the grey concrete building. They all are concrete of some varying grey, or silver monochromatic design, so one has to be creative in their description. "Ah, the administration building is the concrete building with the clock, the Art building has the green or if it is Autumn, deep velvety red vines on one side of the building. For me, and those who like capturing interesting photographic shots, this monochrome campus has pockets of vibrancy.
                  Fine Arts building
As a photographer, your photographic eye is an important element in capturing great shots, you should not only look for the obvious shots, but photographers like myself look for the mundane or what is easily overlooked, but made beautiful by our sheer view or angle and frame of mind, especially the latter. You are what you think!
The concrete building, I previously referred to, is our Fine Arts building.  I love this view: the layered  and geometric lines bring a sense of balance. The mix of rectangle, horizontal and vertical concrete buildings along with the zig zag line that encloses a long island of green bushes and trees while gently separating it from the lake all comes together like a picture in book. The elements of color, line shape and a bight summer, sunny day makes for a picture perfect composition. From a student perspective, you can imagine this is a great summer lounging spot for them to lay across the green lawn surrounded by a band of lush green ivy, and the peacefulness of our newly re-constructed lake. It is a welcoming place to study, hang out with friends or in my case take pictures of one my favorite spots on campus.
The Bridge to Higher Learning                     
I love this shot! I call 'The Bridge to Higher Learning". This is one of the most beautiful spots on campus, especially in the spring or summer when the grass and trees are a bountiful green popping with colorful flowers. I've walked across and sat on this bridge a many of times, of course only in warm weather, and it gives off such a sense of beauty and belonging. When the sky is almost perfectly blue with small hints of clouds allowing the sun to shine down, it feels heavenly looking out onto the turquoise colored lake only adding to the sense of serenity. Our grounds' people always do an outstanding job keeping the campus clean,  beautiful and colorful. 

The beauty enhancing our monochromatic grey tone buildings

The concrete building below with a row of vertical rectangular walkways, is another beautiful spot on campus, especially during my favorite time of the year. You know it! I am a sun person. I love the sunshine and all the nourishment it provides to nature. I can't get enough of it! This shot was taken as I got off our university shuttle on my way to my office; I stopped and pulled out my camera and captured this composition. I am more of an artist, than what I call a real photographer. I see my camera lens as a canvas upon which I paint digitally. I love digital photography, and I definitely use the filters to enhance my photos, and I use photoshop for more vibrant color, contrast and whatever I need to paint my picture. This area of campus caught my eye as I walked toward my office because of the feathery white flowers on the trees contrasted against the dark, black tree trunk juxtaposed against the slanting, zig zag lawn and walkway.

If you look really close at the far right corner at the bottom of this grey monotone, concrete building you see a bay of color. The initial composition pulled me in to take a closer look to see what else I might take pictures before heading in. Sometimes you have to be fast, have your camera handy, and be prepared to really look with composing eyes to turn an ordinary shot into your own fabulous style. You have to know what you consider beautiful, and stylish. Be true to who you are. Below are the pop of colors that sat in the right bottom corner of that ordinary looking building.

Always carry your camera and always be aware of your surroundings if you want to capture spontaneous and engaging shots. The picture below, I took literally pulling out of a parking space on campus as I was getting ready to drive away, my eyes fell upon this image in the making. I stopped the car, put it in park and began shooting away. Be careful! In this case,  an ordinary thing caught my attention. Don't always look for the typical shots, stay in tune to your surroundings and look for the mundane and twist it to your own style by the manner in which you compose the shot. How you see the shot gives it your brand and your style. I call this shot 'Japanese Red Bud', but do you see what is in the background of the picture? Remember, where I took this shot.

'Japanese Red Bud' among other photographs that I've turned into designer notecards such as this one, make for a great conversation piece at vending events I participate in. At first glance, customers do not realize it is a tire in the background, but looking a little closer they recognize that the fuzzy circle is indeed a car tire. The simplest and most easily overlooked composition can become the style and brand that sets you apart and distinguishes who you are: your brand. So remember, always carry your camera, keep a positive outlook and look for the mundane and make it fabulously yours! 


  1. Congratulations on your new blog, Karen! Love your amazing photos!

    1. Thank you, Robyn! I've found something else I love! Hope you can become a subscriber by signing into the private email register at the top right hand corner. Thanks again!


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